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Search result: Portrait

JURAJ FLOREK. New Urban Pleinair Painting bei C.A. Contemporary

Juraj Florek likes to call himself a "100% urban plein-air painter": fascinated by cities, he walks through them to capture fragments of landscapes that he depicts on the spot and in the moment. A CastYourArt artist-portrait, filmed on the occasion of his exhibition at C.A. Contemporary in Vienna.

PAVEL DUSEK. Artist portrait

Painting or sculpture? In the case of Czech artist Pavel Dušek it is both at the same time. The materials of his works come from sculpture, but his way of thinking is that of a painter. A CastYourArt artist portrait on the occasion of the exhibition "In the Velvet House" at C.A. Contemporary.

BARBARA MOURA. I sing the body electric

Her paintings take us on an exploration of the psychological depths of the soul, embodied in almost life-size (self-)portraits. Take the opportunity to get to know the artist better as we produced a film portrait on the occasion of her exhibition "I sing the body electric" at C.A. Contemporary.

GOTTFRIED HELNWEIN. An artist-portrait on the occasion of his Albertina exhibition "Reality and Fiction"

To mark Gottfried Helnwein's 75th birthday, the Albertina is showing works by the artist from the last three decades in the exhibition "Reality and Fiction". On behalf of the Albertina, we visited the artist in his castle in Ireland and created this portrait of the artist.

JANO VASILKO. Bei C.A. Contemporary in Wien

Der slowakische Maler und STRABAG Art Award Gewinner 2009 Jano Vasilko zeigt seine neuesten Werke bei C.A. Contemporary in Wien.

LETIZIA WERTH. Mountains and Waterfalls

Letizia Werth ist die neue Ausstellung "Mountains and Waterfalls" in der Galerie CA Contemporary in der Piaristengasse in Wien gewidmet. Ein Künstlerporträt.

CHAOS - COSMOS. Die große Zaubershow. TOMAK im Interview

"Was ist der TOMAK anderes als ein Schatten von mir!" Ein Interview mit dem Künstler TOMAK.

KARL KORAB. Neue Bilder

Karl Korab, der große Solitär der österreichischen Malerei, erlangte vor allem für seine Landschaftsdarstellungen und Stillleben internationale Berühmtheit. Ein Künstlerporträt.

ELGER ESSER. Photography and Picture

A CastYourArt artist-portrait of Elger Esser, one of the famous photographers of the Düsseldorfer Fotoschule.

ALF POIER. Die Sardinen müssen tanzen

Alf Poier - bekannt als Dadaist der österreichischen Kabarettszene - arbeitet schon seit vielen Jahren auch als bildender Künstler. Ein CastYourArt Künstlerporträt von Alf Poier.

AHMET ORAN. "Vienna-Istanbul" at C.A. Contemporary

The abstract artist Ahmet Oran shows new works in the C.A. Contemporary gallery in Vienna. To a large part, the pictures were made in Istanbul, the hometown


Screaming or grinning faces, grotesque heads with bird’s beaks, a fist punching out of a mouth – in her partly hyper-realistic drawings, Florentina Pakosta

Rudolf Rischer - Of Drawing and Stage

What is behind the wall or behind the door? Who is on the stairs, and what is happening in the room? Buildings float in the air, perspectives are tilted, stairs

Suse Krawagna - Abstract Painting Now!

Material, form, repetition and alteration are fundamental for the abstract works of the Vienna based artist Suse Krawagna. On the occasion of the reopening

Jakob Gasteiger - Abstract Painting Now!

As an artist, Jakob Gasteiger has dedicated himself entirely to abstraction. His primary and working material is paint, not colour.

Valentina Wecerka - What is Home?

Proportions, levels, materials, colour, backgrounds –the phenomenological characteristics of Val Wecerka’s works refer to the conditions of our perception of reality. No statical vision is possible there – we see dynamic fields that require the participation of the viewer.

Gerhard Ruehm - Language as Material

In the 1950ies Gerhard Ruehm was the most radical experimenter of the Viennese underground art-scene.

Elisabeth von Samsonow - Transplants

At the Dominican church in Krems Zeit Kunst Niederösterreich presents the artworks of Elisabeth von Samsonow. Among other works the artist placed a huge installation

Aylin Tektas - Capturing the Moment

Aylin Tektas, an Istanbul born painter, studied in Vienna at the Academy of fine arts. First influenced by the artworks of her mother - a painter as well - she started painting portraits of people.

Bernhard Leitner - Sound Space Sculpture

“Sound Chair”, “Sound Dome”, “Serpentinata”, “Sound Column”… - Bernhard Leitner’s sound space objects and installations are all accessible


Whenever we think of moving pictures, our mind-body immediately generates images, as it does with everything we think, remember or imagine. Besides this inexhaustible

MARKUS REDL. Kopf zwei von fünf

Der Künstler Markus Redl arbeitet vor allem im Bereich der Bildhauerei und Zeichnung. In der künstlerischen Konzeption geht er häufig von Literatur aus und es finden sich auch in den fertigen Kunstwerken Referenzen in die Welt der meist philosophischen Literatur. Ein CastYourArt Künstlerporträt.

Rudolf Polanszky - Translineare Structures

Rudolf Polanszky’s works are concerned with finding visual correspondences with the artist’s intellectual configurations inspired by aspects of mathematical

Hubert Schmalix - Bank Austria Kunstforum

Curated by Florian Steininger, the Bank Austria Kunstforum exhibits a comprehensive overview on the work of Hubert Schmalix. About fifty of the paintings were

Franz Xaver Ölzant - Idea, Process, Form

For the first time, the ZeitKunst Niederösterreich exhibition „Idea-Process-Form“ shows a summary of the complete works of the sculptor Franz Xaver Oelzant.

Michael Scheirl – Typologies of the Invisible

Every city is a collective text, transmitting and storing the collective memory, a geographic and historical narrative, streets and highways articulate forms through which we relate to urban space or distance ourselves from it. Thus we all have using the street in common, be it by driving, by walking or by loitering.

Manfred Hebenstreit - Processes and Transformations

The art of Manfred Hebenstreit is an ongoing open experiment, into which the artist puts everything: body and soul, sensations and emotions, irony and restlessness.

K.U.SCH. - An Array Of Subjects

At present, Zeitkunst Niederösterreich has the first comprehensive retrospective of the art group K.U.SCH on display, in the Shedhalle St. Pölten, curated

CLEMENS HOLLERER. The Beauty of the Beast

Die gebrochenen Symmetrien die man auf Baustellen vorfindet, inspirieren Clemens Hollerer. Die Zustände des Übergangs, der Zerstörung und des Chaos, der Fehler und Überraschungen aber auch der klaren Strukturen, Muster und Farben. Ein CastYourArt Porträt des Künstlers Clemens Hollerer.

Mireille Binoux - Living Color

The pictures of Mireille Binoux draw the observer into distorted landscapes; puzzling him and making him feel at home at the same time. Although abandoning

Hermann Josef Painitz – Aesthetics as Reflection

Letters become symbols, geometric series become matrixes, series and rhythms become encoded scripts: since the 1960ies, Hermann Josef Painitz deals with language and scripture, with connections between signs, letters, symbols, colours, and meanings.

Siegfried Anzinger – a vortex of emotions

The focus of the exhibition in the Bank Austria Kunstforum, curated by Florian Steininger, is mainly on the pictures made in distemper -especially for this show- during the years 2012 and 2013.

Gunter Damisch - Fields, Worlds (and Beyond)

To be and to do are one and the same thing for Gunter Damisch – in every one of his works there is not only a formal, but also an inner imperative becoming manifest.

DIE DAMEN - Irony as a ressource

Irony as an active agent in order to continually reformulate problems of art, of the creative subject and of the presence of the viewer-subject, in a subjective world permanently being subjectivated: 25 years after their first appearance, the art group DIE DAMEN arranged an historic and documentary exhibition at ZEITKUNST Niederösterreich in the Lower Austria Contemporary Gallery St. Pölten, offering an insight into their multifaceted oeuvre and into an entire era of Austrian art life.

Robert Pan - Work in Layers

On the basis of works combining painting with wax, Robert Pan developed his very own artistic style, bringing it to perfection. He mostly uses high grade artificial resin. An artist’s portrait by CastYourArt.

Aron Demetz - Dialogue with life

He has embraced tradition in order to „forget it again“: wood as a challenge and possibility of failure. An artist-portrait of the sculptor Aron Demetz.

Marianne Maderna - Humanimals

A universal artwork of sculpture, drawings and film: at the Gallery of Lower Austria for Contemporary Artin the Dominican church of Krems, multimedia artist

Les Tardes Goldscheyder - Haiti Nuclear Radar

His paintings are states of suspense, images of atmospheres, extreme in their expressivity and consistent in their treatment, the material of his objects are

Helmut Grill - From Epicurus to Donald Duck

As an artist, Helmut Grill explores the complicity between the image-maker and the viewer to a maximum. An artist-portrait by CastYourArt.

JOHANNES DEUTSCH. Medienperspektiven

Johannes Deutsch hat für die Aufführung der Oper Manfred von Robert Schumann mit den Düsseldorfer Symphonikern die Regie und künstlerische Visualisierung übernommen. Ein Künstlerporträt von CastYourArt.

Hans Kupelwieser - Reflections

In the Shedhall planned by Hans Hollein, ZEITKUNST Niederösterreich exhibits the ample single show REFLECTIONS about the multifaceted artist Hans Kupelwieser

Eduard Angeli - The remnants of man

Lone houses, ruins, wrecks, walls. The backyards of the hustle and bustle, the moments when the party has moved on are what attracts Angeli. The silence of his paintings touches us in our existence. A CastYourArt portrait of the painter Eduard Angeli on the occasion of his 70th birthday.

Isabelle Mühlbacher - Traces from the Past.

By means of the most diverse media, Isabelle Mühlbacher defends the position of the humane where it already is a relic, a trace, a reminder. An artist-portrait

Manfred Wakolbinger - The Ephemeral and the Eternal

Change, transformation, mutation, metamorphosis: Manfred Wakolbinger questions the surrounding space around us and puts our perception on a new level, in order

Attilio Zanetti - more geometrico

His oeuvre is the essence of a long and to a large extent autonomous artistic process, leading from figurative, expressive metaphoric painting to a kind of

Herbert Brandl - Charging pictures until they (almost) burst.

Libidinally charged works of the last 3 decades by Herbert Brandl are presented by Florian Steininger and Ingried Brugger in the Bank Austria Kunstforum Wien.

Arnulf Rainer - The Veiling

Together with Maria Lassnig he is considered the originator of Informal Art in Austria. His works are on display in the key museums all over the world.

Alexander Brodsky - It still amazes me that I became an architect

"I felt a tender love towards all classical architecture, but a the same time dreamt of loving contemporary architecture as well". A portrait of Alexander Brodsky.

Alexander Steinwendtner - Random. Clean Cuts.

Rather than expressing something directly, the force of artistic expressivity lies within manifesting the getting-to-talk within the work itself.

Rudolf Polanszky - Models for Transaggregate Structures

Polanszky shows that perceptions do not simply happen within us, but in fact are performed by us – producing reciprocal dynamics. Rudolf Polanszky is an artist

Inci Eviner - Art Sets Our Consciousness in Motion

It is almost impossible to breathe and move within the linguistical system in which we are embedded. Art brings new movement into our consciousness. An artist

KUCSKO - Double Coated IP Capsule

An exhibition by Kucsko with generative Sound installation by Karlheinz ESSL in Bank Austria Kunstforum - tresor. Audiointerview with Karlheinz Essl in German

Fritz Panzer - The Walk In Drawing

Fritz Panzer relieves objects of his immediate reality of their significations and shows them in their half present - half absent nature. The chair and the

Peter Baldinger - Interface

It is often said that every portrait is a self-portrait of the painter in a sense and every painter is painting himself – Peter Baldingers portraits show

Gürkan Coşkun KOMET - Director of Nightmares

In his dream scenarios, Gürkan Coşkun aka Komet has the role of the stage director. Who are these strange creatures inhabiting that world, these chimeras

Peter Fritzenwallner - Things on the Move

Finely balanced, almost weightlessly, the pencil seems to find its place in the center of the image, it de-picts simultaneously time itself, the time elapsed

Edgar Honetschläger - To the Limits

Edgar Honetschläger tests the boundaries of the possible, always along the limit in order to question the existing standard, the process being as important

Brigitte Kowanz - Now I See

In the exhibition Now I See, the MUMOK in Vienna shows yet another retrospective of an internationally renowned Austrian artist. On display there is an overview

Allyson Mitchell - Furry Crits

Allyson Mitchell's activist art is meant to prod and provoke, but it draws you in with warmth, sincerity and just a little faux-fur. In Allyson Mitchell’s

Thomas Draschan - Psychic Images Collision

To Bollywood background music, the blonde sucks on her partners erect prick with relish, then we see how he generously lathers her hairy fanny with soap…a

Miki Eleta - Playing with Time

Every work of art has its own time structure, and Miki Eleta invites us to a dialogue about the transformation of time into space and vice versa. “The

Constantin Luser - Music soothes the savage beast…

Constantin Luser challenges us to enter the maze of his imagination: he corners us against the wall of our indifference and confronts us with the unavoidable

Christian Eisenberger - Estrangement and engagement

Christian Eisenberger’s art work and performances often smack of insouciance, but, like a child and even more like an artist, his desire to engage is very real.

Fiene Scharp - Hair out of place

Fiene Scharp’s references to hair and skin confront us with our own corporeality and challenge us to place such normally mundane materials in a new context,

Irene Andessner - Portraits of the Self

Irene Andessner’s self-dramatizations are revivals of historical personalities that utilize memory as a source of reactivation. Irene Andessner began her

Edgar Lissel - On the rise and fall of images

The artist is occupied not only with the creation of images, but also their demise. With a view on that which lies between, how can one capture and demonstrate

Helmut Grill - Suspension of Belief

In this hi-tech age, the relationship between artist and viewer is a complicated one. There has always been the tacit agreement of suspension of disbelief between

Götz Valien - Undisguised Seduction

Götz Valien calls himself a “picture-maker”. The term seems to refer to someone who produces a handicraft rather than a work of art. However, when one

Deborah Sengl - A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

It was animals that were created first, only thereafter, human beings. Seniority, the privilege of age, was compensated by the privilege of designation, the

JULIUS VON BISMARCK. Alles und keines

Was er produziert ist technisch ebenso ausgeklügelt wie ideenreich, sozial intervenierend, gesellschaftskritisch und es erstaunt zugleich. Ein CastYourArt Portrait des Künstlers Julius von Bismarck.

Michael Kienzer - "inter/medium"

A grid-like strut frame, constructed out of several vertical and horizontal aluminum rods, stands in the space, and is held both together and upright by means

Ariel Schlesinger - Poetic Destruction

In the modern, functionally disenchanted world, those who seek out magical moments must first acknowledge reality, but still hold on to the belief that that

The Bruce High Quality Foundation - Con Artists

In our age, identity has become something of an obsession. Andy Warhol predicted the perennial pursuit of one’s “15 minutes of fame”, and celebrity status

Nadine Rennert - Nowhere to Hide

The early work of Nadine Rennert can be considered abstract art. It explores the formal possibilities of its material. It plumbs the depths of its soul, says the artist.

Maria Lassnig - The Ninth Decade

Maria Lassnig: “Soft as marmalade, marmalade out of blood I’m batted and feel hindered and left locked out from the world of painting.” “There was

Liselot van der Heijden - The Eyes Have It

We live in a visual age. Our pastimes are often dictated by those things we like to observe, in art galleries, at the cinema, at the zoo. In this surveillance-heavy

Maria Teresa Ponce - The Present Absence

Maria Teresa Ponce understands how people develop a nostalgia for the country they have left behind, where their own friends, family, places, experiences, and

William Anthony - Comedy of Errors

The art world is one which takes itself very seriously. Whether it is in the hushed classrooms of art schools where aspiring students dutifully sketch nude

Tomak - There is no pessimistic art

Oil on canvas, drawings, texts, performances: one must work hard on compiling the techniques of artistic expression, says the Vienna-based artist Tomak.

Carsten Nicolai - Spaces in Between

Through his artwork, Carsten Nicolai overcomes the segregation of forms of sensory perception. Sound is made visible, light frequencies are heard. Sound, light,

Shary Boyle - Heartburnt Porcelain

For a long time, porcelain was imported into Europe from Asia, obtaining values on the market comparable to gold. In 1708, alchemist Johann Friedrich Böttger

Francisca Benitez - Ephemeral City

At the ripe old age of 35, Francisca Benitez calls herself a “retired architect”. When the Chilean-born artist first arrived in New York ten years earlier,

Karine Giboulo - 3D Comic Book

With her work, says the Canadian artist Karine Giboulo, she would like to leave behind an impression of the world. That is, her impression. The common thread

Miguel Alvear - Tableaux popular

In his work, the Ecuadorian artist Miguel Alvear works with motifs that originate from the pop culture worlds of South America. He mixes popular icons with

The Sanchez Brothers - Exposures of the Dark

Carlos, born 1976, Jason, born 1981, surname Sanchez, together, "The Sanchez Brothers", are an extremely promising, young photographer collective. The work

Robert Lucander - Picturing the Moment

Robert Lucander moved from Finland to Berlin one year before the Wall fell. The prospect of reunification peaked interest in the other side. Differences between

Christian Niccoli - Lost in Perception

The work of the Italian artist Christian Niccoli traces the social mental state of the urban beings of our time. The discourse is over a generation of young

Michel de Broin - Matters of Circulation

In 1771, Louis Sébastien Mercier published the novel 2440, which depicts an utopia of a convenient, more ideal, distant future world. Utopias had already existed

Roy Kortick - al fresco

One of the earliest forms of art were frescoes, which were painted on the walls of caves, often featuring animals such as horses, bears, and lions. In ancient

Ahmet Ögüt - In Front of Your Eyes

For a long time, contemporary art was strictly a national phenomenon in Turkey and was therefore, to a large extent, ignored internationally. This has changed.

Noah Fischer - State of the Art

As you are looking at this podcast, you are looking into a monitor, be it on your laptop, your iPod, your mobile phone, etc. But how much time do you spend

The Nature Theater of Oklahoma

In Amerika, Kafka’s unfinished novel, the sixteen-year-old Karl, after being seduced by a housemaid who then becomes pregnant by him, is sent to America,

Thomas Baumann – The Language of Movement

Sculptures and installations of the artist Thomas Baumann possess the quality of being alive. Usually, they are moving. They de-form, they make noises, they

Füsun Onur - Silent Music

The openness of her parents — to both traditional Islamic positions as well as the value system of the recent secularly oriented republic — was passed on

Gordan Savicic - Lat 54.136696 Long 13.771362

Gordan Savicic, graduate of the digital art department of the University for Applied Arts in Vienna, master’s degree from the Piet Zwart Institute for Media

Stylianos Schicho - ... it's cold out here

In the view from above, the earth appears as an unpopulated globe. Zoom in, and a view appears of regions and cities, houses and roadways, playgrounds and parks, cafes and stores, all populated by humans who appear tiny, like ants, occupied, engaged in a multiplicity of movements.

Franziska Maderthaner - shaken, not stirred

Picture for yourself reality. Is that reality immediate, direct, unexpected? Should we attribute this power of reality to something within the medium or to

Markus Wilfling – A Sculpture Is Something That Is Here.

To put surfaces into the spatial. To construct three-dimensionality which we in turn flatten under our gaze. This transference - which opens up possibilities

Bernhard Buhmann - Characters, Roles, Spaces

In 2007, he was the winner of the Cologne Art Award, one year later, he is nominated for the Strabag Art Award in Vienna. Bernhard Buhmann was born in 1979 in Vorarlberg.

Ulrike Truger – In the Way

One may think that there are not so many sculptresses. The fact is, they have always been around—they were already participating in cathedral workshops of

Götz Bury - Illusions

Art can be critical of media and media criticism can be fun—that’s the message anyway from “dream manufacturer” Götz Bury’s art. In his Traumfabrik

Fuckhead – This Beautiful Song

This beautiful song annihilates, at least since the group Fuckhead has been celebrating its progressive deconstruction in a big way. Already captivated in recent

Heidi Popovic - The Unspectacular Life.

The little superhero, Superrobbie, who looks like a Playmobil figure, appears together with his other little brothers-in-arms in an image that resembles children's

Rita Nowak - Tableaux Vivants

The production of “living pictures” has a tradition. They could already be found in the royal victory processions of antiquity and they appeared again in

Mankind at the Donau Festival

“Mankind” consists of two female artists. As in every other civilization, this one also has its prehistory. One half of Mankind is D. Kimm, a poet and musician

Michael Maier - Witch Kitchen

Sometimes, he feels physically compelled. But if force is necessary in order to be able to begin, his painting is still not—as one would be inclined to believe—self-t

ILA - Seek and you shall find not.

Intensity can be fascinating. However, levity also holds a certain charm. The artist’s name, ILA — which stands for the sentence in German: einen “Immens

Marten Spangberg - Slow Fall

The job description for Marten Spangberg encompasses many terms. He got his start as a dance critic, writes on theory, is active as a performer, dance dramaturge,

Leo Peschta - Maschinoid

Ian Fleming, the inventor of the character James Bond, published a book in 1964 which he dedicated to his son, Caspar. The story is about a poor inventor called

Thomas Reinhold – Empirical Science

As opposed to other media like film or music, in principle, painting does not lend itself to as many possibilities, explains the painter, Thomas Reinhold.

Mara Mattuschka – My Heart’s Vibrator

She produces films every year. She stands before the camera. She directs—in recent years, together with Chris Haring. It was a blessing that she met Chris

Eva Jiricka - If I Couldn’t Do This, I Wouldn’t Know What to Do.

“If somebody would come and wash my car, it would be nice. It would be nice, it would be done, but I wouldn’t pay for it. Sometimes I think that for many

Lastplak - At The End The Wall Is Covered.

Lastplak, a Netherlands word for the last “gang” and the ultimate pest, call themselves the Graffiti Collective and hail from the Dutch port city, Rotterdam.

Cemal Gürsel Soyel - A Kind of Way of Life

On the occasion of his exhibition "İz" in Istanbul starting on 12 October 2011 6.30 pm at Artgalerim Nişantaşı we replay from our archives the artist portrait

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Our passion for art and our years of experience in the field of audio and video production enable us to produce complex content in a straightforward, authentic and aesthetically sophisticated way. Our approach stands out by its high committment, flexibility and efficiency.

The CastYourArt full-service offer for artists, galleries, museums, exhibition centers and other players in the art sector includes project development, an experienced storytelling resulting in an credible style, film production and post-production and formats ready to be embeded in various internet media or to be used offline.

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