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Search result: Sculpture

THE BEGINNING. Art in Austria, 1945-1980. #3 How the Artists Address the Nazi Era in their Work

Very soon after the war and for the following decades, National Socialism and the atrocities of tyranny and war were frequent topics in the work of Austrian artists. Watch our CastYourArt film #3 from the ALBERTINAmodern opening exhibition "THE BEGINNING. Art in Austria, 1945-1980" with curator Brigitte Borchhardt-Birbaumer about how austrian artists adressed the Nazi Era in their works.

THE BEGINNING. Art in Austria, 1945-1980. #4 Abstract Art

With their abstract works, Austrian artists in the post-war years managed to become part of the international avant-garde in a very short time. ALBERTINAmodern curator Antonia Hoerschelmann guides us through the exhibition "THE BEGINNING. Art in Austria 1945-1980", pointing out the crucial artistic features and protagonists of abstract art in Austria.

THE BEGINNING. Art in Austria, 1945-1980. #5 Viennese Actionism

Among the contemporary art movements that developed after the Second World War in Austria, Viennese Actionism and its protagonists are the most prominent and most recognized internationally. In our video #5 from the ALBERTINAmodern opening exhibition, CastYourArt interviewed curator Brigitte Borchhardt-Bierbaumer about this art movement.

MY GENERATION. The Jablonka Collection

The Jablonka Collection is one of the most important collections of American and German art of the 1980s, with works by artists whom Rafael Jablonka promoted, introduced and collected. CastYourArt interviewed collector Rafael Jablonka and Albertina director Klaus Albrecht Schröder at the Albertina exhibition "My Generation. The Jablonka Collection" and produced an exhibition-portrait.

THE BEGINNING. Art in Austria, 1945-1980. #10 Franz West and the Development of Sculpture

The last film in our ten-part series about the ALBERTINAmodern opening exhibition "The Beginning. Art in Austria 1945 to 1980" we dedicate ourselves to the artistic work of Franz West as well as the development of sculpture in Austria during the first three post-war decades. In our CastYourArt exhibition-portrait, we interviewed Elisabeth Dutz and Berthold Ecker, curators of the exhibition.

WONDERLAND. Opening and exhibition-view from the Albertina Modern in Vienna

"Wonderland" - Fascinating confrontations and contrasts of outstanding artistic positions are on view at the Albertina Modern in Vienna until September 19. 2021. In our exhibition-portrait Albertina Director Klaus Albrecht Schröder and Angela Stief, chief-curator at the Albertina Modern, guide us through the exhibition.

MODIGLIANI. The Primitivist Revolution

The Albertina museum dedicates its new exhibition to Amadeo Modigliani, the mysterious loner among the avant-gardists of the early 20th century. Not only great artworks by Modigliani and his colleagues Picasso, Brancusi, Derain and others are shown in this exhibition but the exhibition also follows the idea that archaic and non-european art had a big impact on the avant-gard artists of this time.  The exhibition was curated by Marc Restellini and Gunhild Bauer.


Guns spitting blood; wailing voices from a field of rubble, little hammers hacking at their own image; feathers slowly turning, a mercury flow forming ever new shapes: Rebecca Horn is one of the most versatile conceptual artists of her generation. The Bank Austria Kunstforum in Vienna is dedicating her the first comprehensive exhibition of her work in Austria in 30 years.

ALBERTINA TOURS & TALKS: Hubert Scheibl and Antonia Hoerschelmann guide us through the exhibition

Albertina Curator Antonia Hoerschelmann and the artist Hubert Scheibl guide us through his exhibition "Seeds of Time" at the Albertina Museum in Vienna.


The written sculpture "OUT OF SIGHT" by artist Lawrence Weiner, who died last year, invites us to interact and take part. Now the Albertina Museum in Vienna presents this artwork in public space.

TONY CRAGG. Sculpture: Body and Soul (Part 1)

The 21 sculptures and 21 drawings in the Albertina's Pfeilerhalle provide an impressive insight into the last two decades of the work of the English sculptor Tony Cragg. Curated by Antonia Hoerschelmann, this is the first solo show the Albertina has dedicated to the 73-year-old sculptor.

TONY CRAGG. Sculpture: Body and Soul (Part 2)

The 21 sculptures and 21 drawings in the Albertina's Pfeilerhalle provide an impressive insight into the last two decades of the work of the English sculptor Tony Cragg. Curated by Antonia Hoerschelmann, this is the first solo show the Albertina has dedicated to the 73-year-old sculptor.

DEATH AND THE MAIDEN. Young Ukrainian art at the Bank Austria Kunstforum Wien

Contemporary Art from the Ukraine, dealing with the war in the country and its effects, is presented at the "tresor" of Bank Austria Kunstforum in Vienna. A CastYourArt exhibition-portrait.

KIKI KOGELNIK. Now Is the Time

“Now Is the Time": The exhibition title is actually the title of a painting by Kiki Kogelnik from 1972, showing a dancing woman in a miniskirt. Now is also the time for a comprehensive show on the Austrian artist’s oeuvre in the Bank Austria Kunstforum in Vienna. A CastYourArt exhibition-portrait.

PAVEL DUSEK. Artist portrait

Painting or sculpture? In the case of Czech artist Pavel Dušek it is both at the same time. The materials of his works come from sculpture, but his way of thinking is that of a painter. A CastYourArt artist portrait on the occasion of the exhibition "In the Velvet House" at C.A. Contemporary.

MICHELANGELO AND BEYOND. An exhibition portrait

The new Albertina exhibition "Michelangelo and Beyond" puts the famous Renaissance master at the heart of a captivating story of the reception of the human nude. A CastYourArt exhibition portrait.

POP ART. The bright Side of Life

With its new location in the former Essl Museum in Klosterneuburg, the Albertina expands by an entire museum. Part 1 of the opening exhibition focuses on Pop Art and the bright side of life. A CastYourArt exhibition portrait.

ALBERTINA TOURS & TALKS. The artist Eva Beresin and Albertina Modern Director Angela Stief are leading us through the exhibition "Thick Air"

In conversation with the curator of the exhibition, Albertina modern Director Angela Stief, the artist Eva Beresin not only guides us through her exhibition but also highlights how much her turbulent family history and social media have influenced what she is today as an artist.

ALBERTINA TOURS & TALKS. Die Künstlerin Toni Schmale und Albertina Kuratorin Elsy Lahner führen durch die Ausstellung "Bruno Gironcoli – Toni Schmale"

The sculptures of artist Toni Schmale, made of steel, have a minimalist appeal and, despite their high degree of abstraction, are also portraits. At Albertina Modern, Schmale’s works are now juxtaposed with the drawings and sculptures of Bruno Gironcoli, creating a dialogue explored in our film contribution by the artist and Albertina curator Elsy Lahner.

THE BEGINNING. Art in Austria, 1945-1980. #2 Fantastic Realism and Friedensreich Hundertwasser

At the beginning of art in Austria after the Nazi tyranny and the war there was the „Vienna School of Fantastic Realism“. Friedensreich Hunderwasser on the other hand can be considered as the one Austrian post-war artist who gained international recognition and success early on. Our CastYourArt exhibition-portrait #2 from the ALBERTINAmodern opening exhibition is dedicated to Fantastic Realism and Friedensreich Hundertwasser.

VAN GOGH, CÉZANNE, MATISSE. The Hahnloser Collection

In the years between 1906 and 1936 an art-loving Swiss couple, ophthalmologist Arthur Hahnloser and his wife Hedy, gathered one of the largest private art collections of 20th century art and French modernism with works of Van Gogh, Cézanne, Matisse, Hodler, Bonnard, Vuillard and many others. Parts of the collection are now on display at the Albertina museum in Vienna.

PER KIRKEBY. At the Kunsthalle Krems

Per Kirkeby is considered one of contemporary painting’s great mavericks. Consistently worked on since the late 1960s, his paintings always include landscapes

PICASSO - GORKY - WARHOL. At Kunsthalle Krems

The Swiss collection Hubert Looser is amongst the most outstanding private collections of modern and contemporary art in Europe. Its foci lie in Surrealism,

OTHER WORLDS - Eva Schlegel, Manfred Wakolbinger

Claudio Cocca and Csaba Valentik present „OTHER WORLDS“, a joint exhibition by Eva Schlegel and Manfred Wakolbinger Collaborating by means of photography,

Christian Doppler - To please Mankind and to its Benefit

The Doppler effect, named after the physicist from Salzburg, Christian Doppler, is well known, not only from physics class in school. The phenomenon for which Doppler found a physical explanation is observable in daily life as well, for example when a loud vehicle drives by, its sound being distorted when approaching and when moving away.

Elisabeth von Samsonow - Transplants

At the Dominican church in Krems Zeit Kunst Niederösterreich presents the artworks of Elisabeth von Samsonow. Among other works the artist placed a huge installation

Bernhard Leitner - Sound Space Sculpture

“Sound Chair”, “Sound Dome”, “Serpentinata”, “Sound Column”… - Bernhard Leitner’s sound space objects and installations are all accessible

Franz Xaver Ölzant - Idea, Process, Form

For the first time, the ZeitKunst Niederösterreich exhibition „Idea-Process-Form“ shows a summary of the complete works of the sculptor Franz Xaver Oelzant.

Gunter Damisch - Fields, Worlds (and Beyond)

To be and to do are one and the same thing for Gunter Damisch – in every one of his works there is not only a formal, but also an inner imperative becoming manifest.

Aron Demetz - Dialogue with life

He has embraced tradition in order to „forget it again“: wood as a challenge and possibility of failure. An artist-portrait of the sculptor Aron Demetz.

Marianne Maderna - Humanimals

A universal artwork of sculpture, drawings and film: at the Gallery of Lower Austria for Contemporary Artin the Dominican church of Krems, multimedia artist

Miquel Barceló - Matter and Form. From Matter to Metaphysics.

Collectors pay a lot for his corrida pictures. From 12 December 2012 till 10 March 2013 the Bank Austria Kunstforum in Vienna dedicates an exhibition to the

Hans Kupelwieser - Reflections

In the Shedhall planned by Hans Hollein, ZEITKUNST Niederösterreich exhibits the ample single show REFLECTIONS about the multifaceted artist Hans Kupelwieser

Manfred Wakolbinger - The Ephemeral and the Eternal

Change, transformation, mutation, metamorphosis: Manfred Wakolbinger questions the surrounding space around us and puts our perception on a new level, in order

Evan Penny - Re Figured

Object and image, true and false, natural and artificial, credible and incredible – Evan Penny’s figures are all of the above. An exhibition-portrait on

Herbert Brandl - Charging pictures until they (almost) burst.

Libidinally charged works of the last 3 decades by Herbert Brandl are presented by Florian Steininger and Ingried Brugger in the Bank Austria Kunstforum Wien.


In the exhibition “PHANTOMAK” in the Vienna University of Technology, sculptures by the artist Tomak are presented to the public for the first time.

Alexander Steinwendtner - Random. Clean Cuts.

Rather than expressing something directly, the force of artistic expressivity lies within manifesting the getting-to-talk within the work itself.

Fritz Panzer - The Walk In Drawing

Fritz Panzer relieves objects of his immediate reality of their significations and shows them in their half present - half absent nature. The chair and the

Allyson Mitchell - Furry Crits

Allyson Mitchell's activist art is meant to prod and provoke, but it draws you in with warmth, sincerity and just a little faux-fur. In Allyson Mitchell’s

Constantin Luser - Music soothes the savage beast…

Constantin Luser challenges us to enter the maze of his imagination: he corners us against the wall of our indifference and confronts us with the unavoidable

Esra Ersen- Interview with the artist at the tanzimat Exhibition

Esra Ersen is interested in the formation of identity and its transformation in different contexts or power structures. Her work "Carousel" shown in the exhibition

Franz Kapfer - Interview with the artist at the tanzimat Exhibition

Franz Kapfer is an artist from Austria. His interest lies in patterns of representation. In his work "Trophies" in exhibition tanzimat (Augarten Contemporary 21.

Christian Eisenberger - Estrangement and engagement

Christian Eisenberger’s art work and performances often smack of insouciance, but, like a child and even more like an artist, his desire to engage is very real.

Fiene Scharp - Hair out of place

Fiene Scharp’s references to hair and skin confront us with our own corporeality and challenge us to place such normally mundane materials in a new context,

Mirabilia, Furies and Curiosa - The Chamber of Curiosities at the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna

“And if there ever was an age when one sees varied and wondrous things I believe that ours is one” (Mateo Bandello, 1554) This podcast was realised with the kind support of UNIQUA ArtCercles.

Deborah Sengl - A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

It was animals that were created first, only thereafter, human beings. Seniority, the privilege of age, was compensated by the privilege of designation, the

Wilhelm Scherübl - Transform

There has been substantial evidence for the theory, according to the German philosopher Peter Sloterdijk, that it is far less important for humans to know who

Michael Kienzer - "inter/medium"

A grid-like strut frame, constructed out of several vertical and horizontal aluminum rods, stands in the space, and is held both together and upright by means

Nadine Rennert - Nowhere to Hide

The early work of Nadine Rennert can be considered abstract art. It explores the formal possibilities of its material. It plumbs the depths of its soul, says the artist.

Oswald Oberhuber - The Passions of Prince Eugen

The early works of Oswald Oberhuber, born in Meran in 1931, are classified as informal sculpture. The artist has always felt that it was too limiting to develop

Shary Boyle - Heartburnt Porcelain

For a long time, porcelain was imported into Europe from Asia, obtaining values on the market comparable to gold. In 1708, alchemist Johann Friedrich Böttger

Michel de Broin - Matters of Circulation

In 1771, Louis Sébastien Mercier published the novel 2440, which depicts an utopia of a convenient, more ideal, distant future world. Utopias had already existed

Roy Kortick - al fresco

One of the earliest forms of art were frescoes, which were painted on the walls of caves, often featuring animals such as horses, bears, and lions. In ancient

Ahmet Ögüt - In Front of Your Eyes

For a long time, contemporary art was strictly a national phenomenon in Turkey and was therefore, to a large extent, ignored internationally. This has changed.

Noah Fischer - State of the Art

As you are looking at this podcast, you are looking into a monitor, be it on your laptop, your iPod, your mobile phone, etc. But how much time do you spend

Thomas Baumann – The Language of Movement

Sculptures and installations of the artist Thomas Baumann possess the quality of being alive. Usually, they are moving. They de-form, they make noises, they

Füsun Onur - Silent Music

The openness of her parents — to both traditional Islamic positions as well as the value system of the recent secularly oriented republic — was passed on

Markus Wilfling – A Sculpture Is Something That Is Here.

To put surfaces into the spatial. To construct three-dimensionality which we in turn flatten under our gaze. This transference - which opens up possibilities

Ulrike Truger – In the Way

One may think that there are not so many sculptresses. The fact is, they have always been around—they were already participating in cathedral workshops of

Rita Nowak - Tableaux Vivants

The production of “living pictures” has a tradition. They could already be found in the royal victory processions of antiquity and they appeared again in

Michael Maier - Witch Kitchen

Sometimes, he feels physically compelled. But if force is necessary in order to be able to begin, his painting is still not—as one would be inclined to believe—self-t

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Audio and video productions as all-inclusive service

Our passion for art and our years of experience in the field of audio and video production enable us to produce complex content in a straightforward, authentic and aesthetically sophisticated way. Our approach stands out by its high committment, flexibility and efficiency.

The CastYourArt full-service offer for artists, galleries, museums, exhibition centers and other players in the art sector includes project development, an experienced storytelling resulting in an credible style, film production and post-production and formats ready to be embeded in various internet media or to be used offline.

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