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ALBERTINA TOURS & TALKS. Die Künstlerin Toni Schmale und Albertina Kuratorin Elsy Lahner führen durch die Ausstellung "Bruno Gironcoli – Toni Schmale"

The sculptures of artist Toni Schmale, made of steel, have a minimalist appeal and, despite their high degree of abstraction, are also portraits. At Albertina Modern, Schmale’s works are now juxtaposed with the drawings and sculptures of Bruno Gironcoli, creating a dialogue explored in our film contribution by the artist and Albertina curator Elsy Lahner.

GREGORY CREWDSON. Retrospektive in der Albertina

His photographic perspective on the world is psychologically influenced; he is drawn to the uncanny as well as to moments when the world seems to stand still, as things are being decided. A CastYourArt film about the American photographer Gregory Crewdson on the occasion of his retrospective at the Albertina in Vienna.

ALDO GIANNOTTI. Museum of Constructs. In Collaboration with Karin Pauer

What if we didn’t conceive the museum as a finished space where visitors are spectators, but as a place where art is created live together with artists, curators, visitors, and staff? A CastYourArt film about the possibility of such a museum, which is becoming a reality at the Bank Austria Kunstforum Wien.

TOOURISMUS. About traveling and its effects on climate, landscape, infrastructure, and society.

How is tourism imaginable without destroying its livelihood? The exhibition 'Toourism' at the Architekturzentrum Wien takes a critical look at this influential phenomenon of our time and also presents alternatives.

POP ART. The bright Side of Life

With its new location in the former Essl Museum in Klosterneuburg, the Albertina expands by an entire museum. Part 1 of the opening exhibition focuses on Pop Art and the bright side of life. A CastYourArt exhibition portrait.

THE BEAUTY OF DIVERSITY. An exhibition showcasing the diversity of current artistic positions in the collections of the Albertina

With over 110 works, Albertina Modern - Director Angela Stief presents in the spring exhibition 'Beauty of Diversity' an aesthetics of diversity, indebted to the attention to women and LGBTQIA+ artists, People of Color, aboriginal positions, and autodidacts in the collections of the Albertina.

CastYourArt’s new online presence as a media library in all its new splendor

We have redesigned the CastYourArt website and turned it into a CastYourArt media library. As a visitor, now you not only have the possibility to watch over 500 inspiring films about contemporary and historical art and to read texts about art. With your own account you can also create your own playlist and forward it to interested people. Our aim with CastYourArt was and is to offer people with an interest in art an ideal place to learn first-hand from contemporary artists or from the curators of important exhibitions.


Our offer – in the art sector

Audio and video productions as all-inclusive service

Our passion for art and our years of experience in the field of audio and video production enable us to produce complex content in a straightforward, authentic and aesthetically sophisticated way. Our approach stands out by its high committment, flexibility and efficiency.

The CastYourArt full-service offer for artists, galleries, museums, exhibition centers and other players in the art sector includes project development, an experienced storytelling resulting in an credible style, film production and post-production and formats ready to be embeded in various internet media or to be used offline.

If you are interested in CastYourArt‘s editorial coverage with additional benefits, please contact us.


KA21 GmbH/ CastYourArt

Office Vienna
Stuckgasse 1/2 (LOKAL)
1070 Vienna

Tel +43 1 99 717 21
E-Mail: office[at]

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